Whose by your side on the mountaintop?

JD Silva Photography on top of Mt Mansfield in Stowe Vermont

Lacey and I literally standing on the top of Vermont!

It was our second time to Vermont and I was determined to hike to the very top of the state on Mt. Mansfield. We planned a whole week of hikes and for some reason this is the one I chose to do last.

My in laws have been so gracious over the year, watching our two boys while we go on a vacation just the two of us to reconnect and focus on our marriage. We knew the time was coming when these trips would no longer be feasible and wanted to make the most of it. Lacey was so excited she already bought a t-shirt about hiking this summit before we even did it!

When we first dated this definitely wouldn’t be something Lacey would wanted to do let alone be excited about it. We’ve grown together over these last 13 years and we finally found some common interest on hobbies! We hope to instill these in our boys too.

Halfway up to the top we both wanted to throw in the towel and call it quits. I could feel my ankles getting weak (I broke them 5 times) and was suffering from shin splints. Lacey tripped and literally almost fell off the mountainside….

My heart sunk and my breathing got heavy as I just had to prepare for the worse. Luckily by the grace of God she regained her footing and we were on our way to the top. We both were determined to make it no matter what. We were being passed by elderly couples, children and even dogs!! We came too far to turn back now.

We finally made it to the top and it was more than worth it. I looked around and there were a surprising amount of people up there. It even looked like people brought food to stay up there all day. The sight was truly breathtaking. Images cannot begin to capture the beauty of all red, yellow and orange leaves of the maple trees as far as your eyes can see.

I noticed that everyone had someone on that mountaintop with them. As I looked over I was so thankful that I had Lacey by my side. She continues to be there by my side even today. I lean on her support when my patience grows thin as a Father. When business gets me stressed out and anxious. I know she’ll always be in my corner encouraging me and nursing my wounds when I get knocked down.

I am thankful to the Lord that He has given me a companion, lover and friend in Lacey.

Who do you have by your side when you face the challenges in life? Embrace them and never let them go!


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