Imposter Symptom: superhumanism

Have you been ever called a “workaholic”? You know the type. The person who comes in before everyone else and usually is the last person to leave the office. It seems their career is the ONLY thing that is happening in their lives. They get validation not from their work itself but the validation they get from working. If you can relate to this we need to talk!

You do what you do and you do it well. There is probably no one that can pull off exactly what you want as quickly as you can. That is perfectly okay. But your business is not the only thing you have on in your life no matter what it feels like.

I’ll use me as a example. I am a business owner, husband and father and every single one of these roles has huge responsibilities. The simple fact is until you start prioritizing these roles and all the tasks they demand you are on a road leading straight the burnout and exhaustion.

You simply CANNOT do it all. No one expects you to and I am here to help. You are not a photographer let alone a branding photographer/videographer and social media manager. My preferred business partners and I want to take this burden off of your shoulders!

Lets talk about how you can simply do a single photo session a quarter and get ALL of your content needs for your social media, website and printed materials and video if you need it too! If social media overwhelms you I have someone I would love to introduce you so you can have that taken off your shoulders too!

This imposter syndrome of superhumanism hit me hard. Even today I battle with letting others handle in my business. I have a standard of quality that I struggle trusting someone else with.

Heres a few strategies that help me overcome superhumanism.

1. Establish Proper Boundaries

2. Know when to say no

3. Value your time

Periodically when I feel myself get exhausted and burnt out I have to take a time out to examine myself and make sure I am not trying to do too much. That I am not loading down my plate so much that those I care about the most like my wife and kids aren’t suffering. Lets break them down one at a time.

Establish Proper Boundaries

You do not have to be accessible to everyone 24/7. Nothing is a emergency that you have to solve right when your phone rings. It can wait until regular business hours. This may sound cold. I used to think so too. I found myself almost every night on my phone, making quotes, doing consultations or editing photos instead of spending some much needed time with my boys before bed or whatever else may be going on at the time. Set a schedule to have your phone on Do Not Disturb. Set “office hours” that you will and will not work while at home. If your married absolutely include your spouse in these discussions too!

Know When to Say No

I know you have a heart that wants to help anyone you can. The fact is that there isn’t enough time in the day to help every single person that asks! It’s completely fine to turn down opportunities in order to focus on your priorities in the season of life you are in!

Helpful phrases to learn:

  • I appreciate the offer, but I can't.

  • I'm honored, but can't.

  • I'd love to, but I can't.

  • I appreciate the invitation, but I am completely booked.

  • Thanks for thinking of me, but I can't.

  • Regrettably, I'm not able to.

  • You're so kind to think of me, but I can't.

Value your time

If you don’t value your time then no one will. Time is more than money. The older I get the more I realize that every moment I invest into my children really do shape them and make them who they will become. Be mindful to use your time wisely. Consolidate meetings and appointments to make the most of your schedule! Let me help! This is where booking one session a quarter for all your branding needs really shines. How many hours do you spend on either making social media content or posting it online? Let me help take that burden from you!

Your validation and self worth doesn’t come from your career. No job is worth sacrificing your joy and happiness in life even if it is the business you’ve always dreamed of! You are human like the rest of us. You are susceptible to fatigue and burnout. It’s okay…. Recognize there is a balance between work and personal life. Find the right balance for you and embrace it!

Lets talk about how working with me can take that burden off of your shoulders and provide you with top quality branding content for your entire brand! Click below to schedule a quick phone call!


i’m not saying you Can’t do it alone. you just shouldnt.


Perfectionism kills progress