Your not a failure and no one else thinks so either!

You’ve been working on your business for years now and you still do not feel like an expert in your field. You're not doing nearly as many sales as the competitor down the street and you don’t have any fancy degrees, licenses, or certifications behind your name. 

Putting unrealistic expectations on yourself only sets you up for failure and makes you feel like an incompetent fraud in your field. This was the place I found myself for far too long and it is the reason that I literally delayed starting my business for years.

I am going to give you three easy ways to fight against this imposter syndrome that makes you feel like a fraud.

Make a list of your accomplishments

I recommend everyone make a year-end review of everything you have accomplished just in the past year. You will be surprised at how much you have really done over the course of the year. After you're done with that, list your greatest accomplishments in your field since you started. I hope you will see how much time, resources, and effort you have put into your business. The dedication you have for your clients doesn’t go unnoticed!

Seeking degrees, education, and certifications in your field is not to boost your ego but to serve your clients better. This year I joined Professional Photographers of America and am pursuing a certification from them. I realize that this certification does not make me an expert but it may make me a better photographer. I seek out education and stretch myself artistically to be the best photographer I possibly ca be. That is because I am dedicated to my craft and the Baton Rouge Community! I want to offer you the best images possible!

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Trying to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.

-Marilyn Monroe

Seriously! It’s easy to compare what you're doing to others around you. You are not the business down the street, on the billboard on the way home, or the business all over your social media feed. You are unique, there is only one of you. That’s who your clients want to work with

When you compare yourself to the other businesses in your area it is so easy to be discouraged. Once you find your voice in the marketplace you can start to identify who your target audience is so you can speak directly to them through your visual branding. 

See yourself how others do

Even when you feel at your lowest your clients see you as an expert in your field. The fact that you put so much time and resources into your business shows that you have a dedication to your craft. You may feel like you're not making much difference but that is so far from the truth.

The easiest way to see yourself as others do is to have your picture taken! I know this sounds silly but how often do you find yourself saying “I’ll believe it when I see it” By booking a session you will capture yourself and your brand in a way that you’ve never seen before. 

If you’ve never had a photo session of yourself you are truly missing out! Every session it is my goal to simply bring out the best in you for everyone to see. There's always music playing, laughing and having a good time while we are shooting. I focus as much on the session experience as the final product. 

Not only will you get a  tremendous boost in self confidence, you’ll always have content you can use to compel your target audience to do business with you! It truly is a win-win!

This is the imposter syndrome that I have struggled with the most over the years. I did not feel like a “real photographer” for far too long. No one ever deserves to feel like a fraud in their field. Booking a session means you’ll feel like the boss that you are when you see those final photos! 

Let’s make it happen together!

The first thing that a potential client sees from your business is some sort of visual branding. It may be a headshot, social media post or images on your site. This first impression is crucial! It is what separates your brand from others. High-quality branding photography will make you and your business instantly pop when someone sees your images!

Not only will a branding session leverage your business to compel your target audience, but it will also give you a much-needed boost in self-confidence! You will finally see what others see when they interact with your brand!

Let's talk during a free Consultation about what a photography session can do for your business! Just click the button below and schedule a phone call at your convenience!


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